Revise your Resistance

Feeling the weight of the world can be an overwhelming experience, but it's not one you have to carry alone. "Family Business: Revise the Resistance” sermon offers a heartwarming blend of scriptural insight and personal stories to help you lighten the load. This sermon invites you to partake in a spiritual journey reminiscent of the early Christian church's unity, encouraging you to find strength in faith to overcome life's challenges.

The second installment of the series begins with the tale of young Jesus in the temple, a story that serves as a reminder of our spiritual duties and the need to remain alert to the spiritual needs of those we hold dear. Like an exercise bike that offers resistance to build physical strength, life's resistance is not meant to hold us back but to propel us forward. The sermon urges us to replace the heaviness of sin and worry with the clarity of a purpose-driven life.

One of the key messages is the importance of mentoring the next generation, instilling a balance of love and biblical truth to guide them in God's light. As we exchange our earthly burdens for heavenly praise, we not only find personal liberation but also become equipped to fulfill God's plan for us.

By embracing the weight of glory instead of the weight of the world, we can inspire a spiritual revival within our communities. This sermon challenges us to approach our spiritual practice with renewed vigor, seeking support through prayer, and embracing the changes that come with living a life guided by divine purpose.


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Until Now: Vison Sunday